Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The Carter Family ~ The Carter Family In Texas, Volume 2 (1978)

Thanks to Jess Norrick for providing a transfer of this.
Title: The Carter Family In Texas, Volume 2
Label: Old Homestead Records
Source: Vinyl (Restored for my personal listening. Sound quality grade: B+.)
# of tracks: 18

Volume 3 was posted awhile back and is available here.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Carter Family ~ The Carter Family In Texas, Volume 1 (1978)

Thank you to Jess Norrick for providing a transfer of this addition. From Border Radio transcriptions.
Title: The Carter Family In Texas, Volume 1
Year: 1978
Label: Old Homestead Records
Source: Vinyl (Restored for my personal listening. Sound quality grade: B+.)
# of tracks: 24